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    older couple meeting with will writing solicitors in faversham

    Will Writing Solicitors in Faversham – Making Your Wishes Known

    Talking about death is hard. There is no denying it. We’d much rather talk about almost anything else. We may worry about upsetting people by discussing death. But talking about our wishes for when we are gone is important. Having a will is the best way to ensure your wishes are recorded and followed after you die. For will writing solicitors in Faversham, contact the team at Ratcliffes Solicitors on  01795 477505.

    You may have experienced the death of someone you know and seen up close how their estate was handled. Did they leave clear instructions? Or was there confusion around their wishes? A will is vital to ensure your wishes are met after you die. 

    Why is it important to have a will?

    quill pen in ink pot for writing a willIn the UK, many people die without leaving a will or even discussing their wishes with their loved ones. This can lead to a lot of confusion and added stress and heartache for those involved. Without a will, you will have no say in how your estate is allocated. Instead, the ‘Rules of Intestacy’ will determine who gets what. When this occurs, you may find that someone you wished to benefit, is overlooked, for example, a partner with whom you live but are not married to or in a civil partnership.

    Your estate is made up of all the assets that you own and debts you may owe. This includes:

    • Property
    • Savings
    • Investments
    • Vehicles
    • Jewellery
    • Furniture
    • Mortgage
    • Credit card balance
    • Loans

    In writing a will you can decide how you want to divide your estate. It is an opportunity to state exactly who you want to benefit, including any specific assets you wish to go to certain individuals. You can also include any donations you would like to leave to charity when you are gone. 

    A will doesn’t just deal with your estate. You can also include your funeral wishes, whether you’d like to be buried or cremated and how you’d like to be remembered. 

    What your solicitor needs to know

    older couple meeting with will writing solicitors in favershamIf you decide to hire a solicitor to write your will, you will need to provide details of your estate and your wishes in order to put together a comprehensive legal document to be followed in the event of your death. You should let them know:

    1. What assets and debts you have (property, vehicles, investments, loans, etc.)
    2. Who your intended beneficiaries are
    3. Any other wishes, e.g. for your funeral
    4. Provisions for dependents (children under 18 or elderly parents for example)
    5. Your appointed executor (friend, family member, solicitor, etc.)

    You can appoint your solicitor to be the executor of your will, although this will include an extra charge. Whoever you choose, it is important to let them know and ensure they are happy to take on the responsibility.

    *If you plan to write a will yourself, Age UK recommends seeking advice first, to ensure that it is valid and correct. You can get in touch with a member of our team for advice on writing a will. 

    Provisions for dependents

    If you have children under 18, you will need to appoint a legal guardian to look after them if you die before they are adults. Your solicitor can advise you about this. You may also wish to set up a trust or other financial arrangements for them. 

    Having the conversation 

    With many years of experience supporting families through probate, we have seen firsthand the difficulties that come of not properly communicating your wishes. We encourage you to talk to your loved ones about your wishes. Once you have a copy of your will, store it in a safe place and let your family know where it is. Alternatively, we can offer will storage services here at Ratcliffes. 

    Although bringing up the topic of your death might not be easy, it is important to be honest and direct with those you care about. Often, people report feeling relieved at having had the conversation and making the necessary preparations. Taking care of your will allows you to get on with living your life without worrying about it further down the line. Ultimately, it is important not to leave it until it is too late. 


    Speak to a will writing solicitor in Faversham today by calling  01795 477505 or by emailing us


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