Charges for Sale of a Freehold Residential Property
Our fees generally cover all work required to complete the sale of your home, including discharge of the mortgage. These fees also apply to donors/giftors.
- Conveyancer’s fees (our charges)
From £950 plus VAT
If your transaction should not proceed to completion for any reason a charge will be made based on how much work has been carried out. We do not work on a no completion no fee basis.
- Disbursements
Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as the Land Registry. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.
- Office Copy Entries £8.40 (basic, plus £4.20 for each additional document required)
- Bank transfer fee £2.50 (per transfer)
- ID check £15.00 (plus VAT per person/giftor/Attorney)
N.B. If your freehold property is subject to a management scheme additional charges may apply – please discuss with us.
- File storage fees
We charge a file storage fee of £20 plus VAT.
- Compliance fees
We charge a compliance fee of £50 plus VAT.
- Anti-Money Laundering Check – We are required by the Solicitors Regulation Authority to carry out anti-money laundering (AML) checks on all new and existing clients. This is charged at £7.80 per person.
- Estimated total
As shown above, our charges will depend upon the selling price however, as a guide, the costs for someone who is selling a freehold property for £250,000, which does not fall into any of the exceptions shown here, would be:
- Conveyancing Fees £950.00
- VAT on Fees £190.00
- Bank Transfer Fee £2.50
- Office Copy Entries £8.40
- AML Fee £7.80
- File storage fee £24.00
- Compliance fee £60.00
- ID Check £18.00
Total costs £1,260.70
- How long will my sale take?
How long it will take from when you accept an offer on your property until the sale is completed will depend on a number of factors. It can be quicker or slower, depending on the parties in the chain. The average process takes between 10-16 weeks.
- Stages of the process
The precise stages involved in the sale of a residential property vary according to the circumstances. However, in general the process will proceed through the following stages:
- Take your instructions, and give you initial advice,
- Verify your ID and carry out Anti-Money Laundering check
- Send out contract documents
- Take your instructions in order to respond to any necessary enquiries from buyer’s solicitor
- Give you advice on all documents and information received
- Send documents to you for signature (or meet with you to do so)
- Agree completion date (date from which you will vacate and the buyer will own the property)
- Exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened
- Arrange for all monies needed to be received from purchaser
- Complete sale
- Discharge your mortgage
- Distribute funds as required
Our Fee Structure
For freehold sale transactions for properties under £300,000, our fees are £900 + 20% VAT and for properties over £300,000 and up to £800,000 our fees are £950 plus 20% VAT. For properties over £800,000 our fees are £1400 + 20% VAT.
General VAT
Value Added Tax (VAT): VAT is a tax that you must pay on most goods and services in the United Kingdom and is paid to HMRC. It is currently charged at a rate of 20% of the value of the goods or services provided. Therefore, for example, where a fee or disbursement is stated as £1,000.00 plus VAT the invoice will total £1,200.00.
The information contained in this document is provided to give you an idea of what your costs will be. If you are thinking of instructing us please contact us and we will give you an individual quote. If you instruct us to act on your behalf the information contained in our client care and attached quote at the outset, together with any updates that may become necessary in light of additional/changed information, will supersede any information contained in this document.